The Virtual Assistant UK Felicity

Take off your shit-tinted specs and learn to THRIVE!

So, let’s play a game. Over the course of this week, listen out for these phrases, or variations, and see how many of your friends, family and colleagues actively use versions of them in their daily lives. I bet that it’ll be more than you imagined, a lot more.

Reasons to Love A Virtual Assistant

Never miss out on spending Valentine’s Day with a loved one because you need to catch up on business admin!  A Virtual Assistant can help to give you a better work-life balance! 

Reflecting on My First 6 Months in Business

Pretty simple really – if a business decision doesn’t feel right, trust your gut. Reflecting on my first six months in business, here are some of the lessons I’ve learned along the way.

How to End Each Workday Happy

Gratitude is the best attitude and positive thoughts are powerful are two of my main mantras.  Sometimes when we’re busy…